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HomeHEALTHDoctor Pocket brings specialists to your own home

Doctor Pocket brings specialists to your own home


How would you feel knowing you have access to a doctor at your fingertips? Imagine having a rich network of specialists on your phone. Doctor Pocket™ is a Telemedicine application that enables you to communicate with specialists from the comfort of your own home and on-the-go. Do you have a burning question you must ask? The interactive messenger platform allows you to book and chat with a medical specialist in real-time

Doctor Pocket provides you with the specialist of your choice, at the date and time of your convenience.

How it works?


Cough, Colds, Allergies & Sore Throats

With symptoms like a runny nose, dry/moist coughs, and swollen eyes, Doctor Pocket can help find the root of the problem. Your doctor will ask for the patient’s history such as when they started noticing certain symptoms and their exacerbating and alleviating factors. He or /she might also ask for a picture to further assess your situation. Attaching high resolution images gives valuable additional information from the diagnostic point of view. These pictures serve as a virtual experience of a doctor at your fingertips. Doctor Pocket provides you with all your answers at the comfort of your own home, without the exposure to germs and losing time at the doctor’s clinic.

Trips & Injuries

Doctor Pocket offers medical advice in situations where local doctors cannot even speak your language. The doctors can also answer questions about the medical essentials to bring with you before you travel. The same doctor can assist you with any additional medical issues during travel that you may encounter. Doctor Pocket provides help with minor injuries such as sprains, bruises, and soreness. Severe injuries such as fractured bones and significant bodily trauma cannot be assessed; you must head directly to the emergency room. However, our doctors can provide a means for screening emergent cases that are not obvious to the neutral eye. Your doctor will advise you to go to the hospital if he or /she has any doubt about the severity of your injury. Doctor Pocket can thereby save you a trip to the clinic through our communication platform that includes sharing high resolution images and by performing specific maneuvers requested by your doctor that may confirm a minor injury. Using Doctor Pocket, you can be reassured of the severity of your injury.

Eye & Skin Conditions

Eye conditions can be very critical. Doctor Pocket offers assistance with minor eye complaints such as styes and pink/red eyes that can be handled with over the counter (OTC) products. In addition, if deemed necessary, your doctor will advise you which compresses would be helpful (hot or cold). The high resolution image sharing system at Doctor Pocket enables the doctor to see your eye as if he is actually present, in the comfort of your own home. Any severe condition that needs medical help such as sharp objects in your eye, you should directly seek urgent medical care.

Skin conditions such as rashes, burns, bites, and allergic reactions are just examples of how Doctor Pocket can help you. Simple procedures such as application of ice can help cool down a rash. The patients can also attach high resolution images of the rashes that enable the doctors to see more than in their own naked eye.

Using Doctor Pocket saves the patient the burden of time that they would have to wait to see a specialist.

Other things we give professional medical advice for are:

• Bruises

• Headaches

• Diarrhea

• Vomiting

• Urinary tract infections

• Sexually transmitted diseases

• Gynecologic conditions

• Body aches

• Earaches

• Nasal congestion

• Fever

• Analyzing your blood tests

• Assessing medical imaging (X-ray, CT-scans, MRI, only those that have been verified by a certified radiologist)

Things we can NOT help you with

• Cancer

• Chronic conditions that require scheduled clinic visits, follow-ups, and physical exams

• Psychiatry and mental health


Doctor Pocket iOS now on the App Store



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