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Nov 2017

Inexhaustible minerals, abundant opportunities

Life’s unfairness doesn’t give us the license to walk the wrong path, for life is not fair on anybody. Most of the people in the world have some preconceived notions about Africa. Majority of these notions are embedded in the bed of hearsay perceptions, which judge Africa as the continent without ample remunerative opportunities.

However, the African economies are surging up in terms of economic development, which could well be attributed to various sectors enriched with frenzied business opportunities. Our cover story ‘Mining: A Sector Rich with Fortunes’ specifically discusses this industry of Africa, which is the largest in the world. We, certainly, cannot afford to miss that Africa is one of the leading producers of gold and diamonds.

Though the African countries have low rankings on the scale of ‘ease of doing business’, but African governments are reforming the rigid policies to encourage and attract more investors. India, as its ‘Special Partner in this Special Development’, is efficaciously playing its role. Read on to find out how the ‘Namaskar Africa’ programme proved to be ‘A Progress of Conviction’ encouraging entrepreneurs to have ‘An address on the bridge between India and Ghana’.

Moving from the brick-and-mortar economy, our coverage on the Indo-Africa ICT Expo held in Lagos, Nigeria reiterated ‘How the Digital Vision of Developing Nations’ can help in ‘Evolving together in the digital world’ ‘Using technology as a platform as well as a medium’.

With opinions from the highest rank in the administrative hierarchy to fresh perspectives of the youth, this edition highlights the crucial change that the continent is going through. Does Africa has ‘The Courage to Change’ to ‘Rewrite the rules of the global economy’?

Yes, it has!
There is an African proverb-” Turn your wounds to wisdom.”
Let’s hope for the best and keep our fingers crossed.



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