Interview with the High Commissioner of Ethiopia Dr Tizita Mulugeta
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“The Filling and Operation of the GERD will not have any significant harm to the Riparian countries.”

When I first came to India, I came across it as being my second home because a lot of common things apply to Ethiopia and India. There are lots of common issues tied to these two historical nations. I can tell that India has warmly received me, and I’m glad to be here.

One of the things we have in common is that of cultural ties. Ethiopians value living in a family, and there is a very strong attachment between extended family and I found the same here in India, you have a very strong attachment to family, and you value extended family. I believe these are one of the ideals that must be upheld, and that’s one of the things that keeps a country going forward. The other aspect relates to food. Ethiopians enjoy spices; we have various kinds of peppers and spices; we grow many types of spices and use that in most of our cuisines. Indians also use spices in their kitchen the same way and I find similar kind of food that makes me feel at home when I see it.

Regarding the business opportunities in Ethiopia, our government has been providing inclusive education to all which has made much of our youth competitive, productive and professional. But still, we are falling behind in offering them enough job opportunities. So, the government is working hard to develop labour-intensive manufacturing/ construction industries in Ethiopia. One of the things that we are working with India and its entrepreneurs is to look for industries that can operate well in Ethiopia and we hope to open labour-intensive industries in collaboration with India, in Ethiopia.

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