Tshegofatso Pule
Photo credit: Tshegofatso Pule
Photo source: Reuters
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Tshegofatso Pule, a woman aged 28 years old, was killed brutally in South Africa. She was stabbed and then hanged up on a tree. She was 8 months pregnant, and was missing for 4 days before her body was found on Monday as shared by the local reports.

Her death has became a trend on twitter and followed by a hashtag #JusticeForTshego. According to a tweet, people are forcing the police to find the culprit behind all of this, “Welcome to SA where voices that speak for alcohol are louder than of Gender based violence, where women and children killings are increasing abruptly. What is the point of our government? What is he doing about it? How loud should one shout to be heard?”

South Africa now has high levels of violence against women and last year President Cyril Ramaphosa shared her grieve that the country was one of “the most unsafe places in the world to be a woman.”

Data source: South Africa Report

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