Nigeria’s Borno state
Photo source: Reuters
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Around 20 soldiers and more than 40 civilians have been brutally killed in an attack in Nigeria’s Borno State. More than hundreds were badly injured. The attack was made on Saturday, in the Monguno and Nganzai areas. The armed forces killed at least 81 people in a raid on a village in a third area, Gubio.

News agencies were told by some local residents and workers that the militants were armed with heavy weaponry kits including rocket launchers and arrived in Monguno, a hub for international non-governmental organisations, around 11 am (10:00 GMT). They killed at least 20 soldiers and were roaming around for 3 hours. According to sources, hundreds of civilians were injured in the crossfire, admitted in the local hospital and some of the injured to wait outside the facility for help.

Data source: Nigeria Report

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