I am also Hachalu
Photo credit: people wearing black t-shirts marked “I am also Hachalu”
Photo source: Reuters
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Some university students in the town of Legetafo outside Addis Ababa, dressed in black homemade T-shirts, with a picture of a dead singer sloganed “I am also Hachalu” have been together each afternoon in past few days to listen to the music of Ethiopian pop star Hachalu Hundessa, also known as Haacaaluu Hundeessaa. The shirts are a way to express their honours for the dead singer whose mysterious murder took place on Monday and spread violence that killed at least 166 people and underlined Ethiopia’s ethnic controversies.

A university student Firaol Ajema and his friends gave a statement that they were not able to grieve properly over the death of the singer because of the tight security since the killing. They are locked up in their own houses. The death has been mysterious since and keeps on becoming a political clash.

Data source: Ethiopia Report

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