South Africa 2020 Adjustment Budget
Image: SABC News
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Parliament is moving closer to final consideration of the supplementary 2020 Adjustment Budget. Minister of Finance Mr Tito Mboweni tabled the budget on 24 June. Parliament must approve the budget before it can be implemented. A special adjustments budget was necessary because of the COVID-19 pandemic and increased economic downturn.

The National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces have agreed to the Revised Fiscal Framework. This provides motivation for the 2020 Division of Revenue Amendment Bill, which allocates funds to the national, provincial and local spheres of government. The NA passed the Bill on 15 July, and the NCOP is scheduled to consider it on Wednesday.

The 2020 Adjustments Appropriation Bill makes specific allocations to specific departments and entities, including Parliament, which will be scrutinised by mini-plenary sittings from tomorrow until 24 July. It is provisionally scheduled for consideration at a plenary sitting of the National Assembly (NA) on 29 July. If the NA passes the Bill, it will be transferred for concurrence to the National Council of Provinces (NCOP).

Data Source: Republic of South Africa-The Parliament

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