UN envoy Martin Kobler
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The United Nations envoy for Libya, Martin Kobler urged the country to make 2017 the ‘year of decisions’ and political breakthrough.

He was referring to the pending political accord signed over a year ago.

“We are beginning to see an emerging consensus among parties. 2017 must be a year of decisions and political breakthrough,” Martin Kobler, the Secretary-General Special Representative and head of the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), told the United Nations Security Council.

He commended the initiative of the neighbouring States of forming an expert’s panel to develop recommendations on ways to improve regional border security. Though he warned, “The country’s borders remain porous. Terrorists, human and weapons traffickers and criminal gangs continue to exploit the security vacuum.”

 “A process is needed to heal the wounds of years of conflict and oppression,” he said referring to a workshop held in Malta with Libyan experts and activists in January, to establish a roadmap for national reconciliation.

He concluded by saying, “I am hopeful that with bold decisions and actions we will witness a political breakthrough that can place Libya on the path of peace, prosperity and stability.”

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