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Satao, a 50- years old giant tusker elephant died in Kenya. Satao was a rare African elephant. He was one of the continent’s oldest and the largest elephant.  He was found dead near the Tsavo National Park border. People of the park believes that he may have been killed by a poisoned arrow. A team from the park and Kenyan Wildlife Service recovered the animal’s enormous ivory tusks intact, before poachers could claim them, the park said.

Soon after the discovery of his dead body, the park’s teams tracked an “elephant poaching gang” deep into the park, and two poachers were arrested. After searching them, the items which were discovered from them includes three bows and 12 poisoned arrows, as well as an AK47 rifle, the park said.

Tsavo Trust said that though it’s indeed a sad loss, but still the ivory intact was recovered beforing falling into the wrong hands. It would’ve promoted the illegal ivory market.

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