farmers tilting soil
Photo credit: farmers tilting soil
Photo source: voa news
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Cameroon has banned the cereal exports to Nigeria including millet and corn. This has done so that they can have food security after the production drop. The authorities blamed a decrease in production due to the Boko Haram terrorists as they were giving threats. Damian Kinkoh of the food control unit of Cameroon’s Trade Ministry said about 6,000 metric tons of corn, millet and rice have been cut off while being transported to Nigeria and the ministry will return the cereals when the owners commit to only sell the corn, rice and millet in Cameroon.

President of the Association of Millet farmers in Mora, Yakoubou Ousmaina said that they prefer to sell to Nigeria. He also said that the members of his association will not make much profit if they remain confined only in Cameroon. 

Data source: Voa News

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