Idriss Deby
Photo source: Al Jazeera
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Chad’s armed forces announced that Deby had died on Tuesday when he was  leading soldiers on the front line against rebels advancing from the north towards the capital, N’Djamena.The wounds were very deep. He was 68. The exact circumstances are still unknown. 

As we all know, Idriss Deby was known for visiting the battlefield. When Boko Haram fighters initiated a deadly attack on a Chadian army base in the village of Bohoma in March last year, Deby was seen walking on the shores of Lake Chad, next to his troops. It seems that the battlefield was the place where the former soldier met his end.

Azem Bermandoa Agouna, an army person, said that “The president of the republic, head of state, supreme chief of the army, Idriss Deby Itno, just drew his last breath while defending the nation’s integrity on the battlefield.

 Data source: Al Jazeera

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