Google Shines Spotlight On Sudan
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The last surviving male northern rhino Sudan, Google celebrated it. He died two years ago. He was 45 years old. It happened during a doodle. They celebrated on Sunday. The Google Doodle celebrated Sudan. They did so through an illustration of an orange field with some trees. Sudan who died in March 2018. It happened at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya. It is depicted walking through the bushes. The celebrated rhinoceros died after age-related complications worsened.

The illustration was named; “Remembering Sudan, the Last Male Northern White Rhino.” Google said that the Ceratotherium simum could also be a cherished symbol. It can be of ongoing rhino conservation efforts. Also, it can be a stark reminder of the danger of extinction which is faced by many species.” Sudan left his daughter Nanjin and granddaughter Fatu, the 2 remaining members of the subspecies alive.

Data source: All Africa news

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