Photo credit: life-saving drug for corona patients
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The World Health Organization(WHO) reported that the United Kingdom has clinically tried a drug which is proven to be lifesaving for COVID19 patients. The cheap, old and boring drug Dexamethasone reduces mortality by about one third, and for patients requiring only oxygen, mortality was cut by about one fifth, for the patients on ventilators.

First, they tried “Hydroxychloroquine” and then the antiviral drug “Remdesivir,” but “Dexamethasone” proved as more useful. The drug was used in the 1950s and belongs to a kind of drug known as corticosteroids to treat patients with conditions related to inflammation, including severe allergies, nausea, vomiting, arthritis, swelling of the brain, spinal cord, asthma, and breathing difficulties.

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Doctors predicted that it may help the corona patients who suffer from breathing difficulties and assured that it will be globally available.

Data source: WHO Report

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