We couldn’t think of a better way to commemorate this milestone then by making a strong move from the bi-monthly format to monthly. The magazine was launched as a quarterly, went bimonthly in 2011 and now monthly in 2016. THE TIMES OF AFRICA is connected more than ever to the World-Wide Web, via Facebook feeds, LinkedIn posts and Twitter tweets, where anyone can receive updates about African news and activities. If you have not yet looked at our Facebook page, please go there and “Like” us, so you can get these updates. In the top story, you will find out the details of CO21 – a deal to attempt to limit the rise in global temperatures to less than 20C which was agreed at the climate change summit. The Paris Agreement presents a huge opportunity to create and enforce inspired strategies that develop new approaches, technologies and nurture unparalleled regional cooperation and idea sharing. There is more, do explore…