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A new milestone was achieved as Google announced that the company has skilled one million Africans in digital technology within a year. In fact, the American multinational technology company, which began this initiative on April 16 last year, reached its target almost a month early.

Google South Africa country director Luke Mckend said, “We’ve been committed for years to help local businesses thrive online, as they are meaningful and crucial partners in our economy.”

“Through our different initiatives, a number of small businesses have been helped. Our tools and technologies are simply enablers for anyone who wants to build a global business to connect with new customers or share their creations. Whether it’s a dressmaker who plans on expanding worldwide through the tools technology provides them, or a content creator finding hundreds of thousands of viewers on YouTube, we hope this helps them grow.”

“Having one million digitally skilled young people in Africa is good for everyone. If young people have the right skills, they’ll build businesses, create jobs and boost economic growth across the continent,” says Bunmi Banjo, Growth Engine & Brand Lead, sub-Saharan Africa. “As we expand this initiative to reach areas across the continent, we hope to see more impact in everyday lives of the Africans.”

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