Nigeria: Chimamanda Adichie Wins Women’s Prize for Literature!
Photo credit: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Photo source: All Africa
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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, a Nigerian writer and author of the famous novel ‘Half of a Yellow Sun’, has been voted the winner of Women’s Prize for Literature “Winner of Winners,”. This grand news was issued by the organisers yesterday. She was joyfully voted as the winner for her masterpiece novel, Half of a Yellow Sun. The public chose Chimamanda’s novel over so many good novels and authors including Zadie Smith, the late Andrea Levy, Lionel Shriver, Rose Tremain and Maggie O’Farrell, and others. 

This award has marked the climax of the Price’s 25 years long anniversary celebrations. It has made a key part of our Reading Women campaign which embraces champions a quarter of a century of dynamic winners. Throughout the year 2020, thousands of readers have made a challenge to read all 25 previous winners of this prestigious Prize. They have done so by joining the Prize’s digital book club to share their thoughts and installing the organisers’ newly created online reading guides and exclusive author interviews.

Data source: All Africa news

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