Paul Biya
Photo credit: Paul Biya
Photo source: All Africa
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Paul Biya marked their 38 years of the successful presidency of Cameroon on November 6. He is able to maintain his position as Africa’s second longest-ruling leader. He is slightly pushed back by Teodoro Obiang Nguema of Equatorial Guinea who has been ruling for nearly 41 years. Biya is 87-year-old. He first stood on Cameroon’s top seat on November 6, 1982. 

The anniversary of Biya’s powerful and successful ruling is celebrated with colourful celebrations. Crowds of people of the octogenarian leader’s supporters with important personalities including members of government and militants of his ruling Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement (CPDM), clothed in fabrics with the veteran leader’s smiling face printed on them, gather at anniversary rallies across the country.

Data source: All Africa news

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