LG in Nairobi
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South Korean-based electronic giant company LG has chosen Nairobi, the capital of Kenya to launch its latest products.

“We are looking to launch our new products in Kenya because it has an ever-increasing middle and top class. We also consider the country quite stable and with an ever-improving service industry underpinned by sound infrastructure,” said Janghoon Eric Chung, the company’s managing director for Africa Logistics on the side-lines of the company’s marketing conference in Barcelona, Spain.

He added that although LGs’ products were primarily tailored for the high-end market, the company perceived the Kenyan market as one of a few in Africa with a strong inclination for modern technology and the latest electronic innovations driven by a high internet penetration.

“Our survey of the Kenyan market shows that the average consumer has a taste for products that bring convenience, use clean energy and are efficient. So we are looking at a pricing regime that can tap more consumers,” he said.

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