Wavel Ramkalawan, Seychelles
Photo source: Yasuyoshi Chiba
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Wavel Ramkalawan, Seychelles opposition candidate has won the archipelago’s presidential election. He has won with much percentage of voting than the other candidates, 54.9 per cent of valid votes cast, upsetting incumbent President Danny Faure. Danny Lucas, electoral commission chairman announced him as the elected candidate. 

The opposition was defeated in the elections in 2015 and uplifted by a victory in a parliamentary poll a year later when Seychelles gained independence from Britain. Even Ramkalawan delivered his speech after his victory that Faure and he are friends and his failure does not mean the end of his contribution to the motherland and this election does not have any winner or loser. The country was given the opportunity as the ultimate winner.

Data source: Al Jazeera

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