Ugandan suicide case in bribe
Photo credit: Ugandan suicides over some bribe
Photo source: Reuters
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Hussein Walugembe’s motorbike was impounded on Tuesday because he did not adhere to a curfew. He went to Masaka Central Police Station on Thursday morning to retrieve his motorcycle.

When he was unable to do so, he poured petrol over his body and set himself alight. There were conflicting reports surrounding the details of the incident.

The incident prompted colleagues to stage a protest at the police station, where tensions were high. Police are investigating the incident as well as the officer who was involved since US$10 is the fee for operating after curfew in Uganda. 

In June, President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda eased the country’s lockdown regulations. Motorbike taxi drivers are still prohibited from carrying passengers and only cargo is allowed to be taken in the back of a taxi. Curfew remains in place between 7 pm and 6.30 am.

Data source: Ugandan Report

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