Tanzania opposition rejects presidential result!
Photo source: Africa news
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Tanzania’s president John Magufuli was declared the winner of the elections by the National Electoral Commission. It happened on Friday. It sparked a backlash by the opposition who allege fraud. Magzfuli’s victory means he will run a second term and therefore the ruling party CCM, which has been in power for many years , won enough seats in parliament to vary the constitution. Some within the ruling party had a hand in making the presidency’s two-term limit to be extended if enough parliament seats might be secured.

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The electoral body assured Magufuli won 84% of the vote while his opposition Tundu Lissu of the Chadema opposition party only got 13%. Lissu has rejected the result and involved peaceful protests and action. Lissu said that the results that were to be announced yesterday which the electoral commission continues to announce today, are illegitimate results. They do not constitute, they are doing not express truth will of the Tanzanian people,” 

Data source: Africa news

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