Kenya Police news
Photo credit: Kenyan Police Officers are arrested
Photo source: AP Photo
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Three Kenyan police officers are accused of harassing a woman brutally. Mercy Cherono was dragged by Kenyan police officers with a motorbike as she was a suspect in some robbery. The video was uploaded on Thursday and went viral. It was one and a half minute video where she was tied up by a rope to the motorbike, dragged by police and her trousers to slide off, leaving her naked from the bottom. While another officer was also beating her brutally.

According to Kenyan reporters, the crime took place in Olenguruone, a town about 250km (155 miles) north-west of the capital, Nairobi. The suspects are in police custody and going through further investigation. She was crying for mercy yet, she was brutally beaten. Activists in Kenya have used social media to make parallels with the police brutality flag in the world. 

Data source: Kenya Report

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